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참가업체 상세

Alfa(Wuxi) Industrial Co.,Ltd

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

국가 China
주소 (214100)108-4, Huishan Road Huishan District Wuxi City, Jiangsu, China 
전화번호 86-13914125575 팩스번호 /-/
홈페이지 www.alfamaterials.com
부스번호 H004
"WUXI ALFA INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD was founded in 2015. Currently , It has two production base in Jiangsu and Guangdong Province. Company focused on the development of Sign, graphics , decorative materials production and sales of the diversified enterprise.
Main product : Digtal printing canvas&fabrics , Wall covering canvas , Premium self adhesive wooden & marble vinyl ,Wall covering vinyl & Paper ,Window Film ,Premium solvent adhesive PVC vinyl,Premium one way vision ,Lamination film ,Color vinyl,Digital printing materials (PET&PP), Display materials and so on."
