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AETP Co., Ltd(AETP Co., Ltd)

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (08517)#920 219-6, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel 82-070-4773-2120 Fax 82-070-4773-2125
Site www.aetpworld.com
Booth No. B001


Hello, we're AETP
We are a company specialized in plasma surface treatment and deliver it to various industrial sites based on various surface treatment technologies and experiences from self-research, development, and production

Plasma surface treatment is a technology that uses the characteristics of plasma, the fourth state of the material. It is eco-friendly because it can replace the primers and harmful chemicals used in the existing pretreatment process. In addition, it is possible to effectively pretreat non-adhesive materials without surface damage

As modern industries require high quality and eco-friendliness at the same time, the importance of plasma surface treatment is increasing
