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회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (12735)TAEKYOUNG HI-TECH CO.,LTD. 50-13, Mudeul-ro 8beon-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel 82-031-768-8115 Fax 82-031-768-8144
Site www.taekyoung.com
Booth No. E100


Tae kyoung Hi-Tech was founded in August 1990 as Tae Kyoung Machinery Industrial Co.,Ltd. and is staffed by engineers with over 30 years of deep understanding and experience in technology.
Using roll converters and web processing automation technology, the company exports more than 25 kinds of converting machines and peripherals to smartphones, home appliances, automobiles, secondary batteries, medical devices, etc., which are high-value industrial sectors, not only domestically but also around the world.
We will work with customers to develop and design the products they need from the user's point of view, and we will supply them in a timely manner.
With 10 years of constant challenges for the company, we will faithfully fulfill the role of the company for our customers and society.
