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Trojan Plus(Trojan Plus)

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (08509) 15, Beotkkot-ro 38-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel 82-02-864-5950 Fax 82-02-868-8285
Site trojanplus.co.kr
Booth No. B200


TrojanPlus is a subsidiary of Sanho Machinery Corp, which has been a leader in labeling and marking machines indutsry for more than 30 years. And TrojanPlus is a domestic exclusive distributor of Troajn Label which is economical and well-known for printing high-quality labels from Denmark. The Trojan series sold by our company provides high quality, full color overall print directly on various materials, while greatly reducing the A/S and maintenance costs by using user-friendly easy operation and remote diagnosis system and cartridge. TrojanPlus is committed to providing products that are innovative and responsive to the needs of our customers and respond quickly through the Trojan series.
