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P&C Co.(P&C Co.)

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (13616) 1, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel 82-031-728-3333 Fax 82-031-000-0000
Booth No. H505


P&C Co. (CEO Youngkeun-Kim) is the Asian distributor of Repakt WeberHolweg MDM Group and supplies Flexo printing equipment, paper bag making machines, E-Commerce bag making machines, processing machines and auxiliary equipment for bag production. Based on over 30 years of experience in various printing markets, we are doing our best to supply and maintain Repakt WeberHolweg MDM Group machines to the Korean packaging industry.
