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회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (12796)NEOFOAM 16, Marudeul-gil 35beon-gil, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel 82-031-762-1352 Fax 82-031-764-1022
Site neofoam.com
Booth No. K300


NEOFOAM is a polystyrene foamboard manufacturer in Korea.

Founded in 1989, NEOFOAM has established as one of the leading foamboard manufacturer fully lined-up from resin extruded Foams to adhesive conversion facilities, all certified by ISO Standard.

Furthermore, we are preparing an eco-friendly honeycomb board and will launch it in the second half of 2024.
