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회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (12986)TOPMEDIA Co.Ltd 5-35, Choi-ro 80beon-gil, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel 82-02-473-6696 Fax 82-02-484-6698
Site www.supertop.co.kr
Booth No. I400


It is Korea's representative company with the largest production, distribution, production, and service network of banners, photorealistic materials, and photorealistic equipment in the country.
Since its founding, our company has grown continuously based on the continuous efforts of all members and the support of our customers, and has become a leader in the industry.
It's done
We will continue to be a company that grows together with our customers through unwavering efforts and dedication.
*Distribution field - Distribution of outdoor advertising materials (banners, coated paper, water-based, solvent, UV materials, ink, etc.)
*Technical field - ROLAND, SUPERCOLOR, SUPERCUT, ORIC, MEFU equipment installation and A/S support
*Advertising field - production of outdoor advertisements and actual printing
