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Wenzhou All-in Packaging Material Co.,LTD

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (325802) No.3, A4 Building, Yibang Industry zone Longgang, Wenzhou,Zhejiang, China
Tel 86-57768080948 Fax 86-57768080948
Site aifoils.com
Booth No. G206


Aifoils® Experts in Packaging Material: specialising in Cold stamping, Hot stamping foil, Digital foil, Toner foil, Glitter film etc solutions.

With over 15 years of best practice in stamping foils, our specialists have an excellent understanding of our customers' markets and production processes when designing, building and fine-tuning our cold foil system solutions.

A printing company operates in a highly competitive market in which the provision of added value is essential. Cold transfer technology is offering this added value and our system solutions are adding high quality, productivity as well as sustainability to cold transfer. Production downtime as a result of setting or changing the foil must be kept to an absolute minimum. This is the philosophy upon which we base the design and construction of our solutions.

Effective team, selected products, good word of mouth, this is Aifoils !
