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회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (411041) No. 329, Taishun Road, Taiping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Tel 866-922576813 Fax 886-905805906
Site www.crystalframe.com.tw
Booth No. I102


The original crystalframe from the two characteristics of the Western aesthetic crystal mounting, ACRYLIC PRINT, and the common acrylic four copper vanadium frames ACRYLIC POSTER in the East, are combined into one to form a crystalframe.

We use a new and innovative construction method to significantly reduce the weight of the frame, and use 3M industrial adhesive stickers, the overall display does not require nails at all, and solves the problem of wall damage. At the same time, it can be displayed and changed in a variety of ways, and even the picture can be changed an unlimited number of times, and the thin and light design can be completed even by one person, which greatly reduces the machine and labor costs required for erection. This idea has obtained international patents and is currently authorized as an agent in advanced countries such as Europe and Japan.
