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Shanghai Shunho

회사명 영문(국문업체의 경우 영문회사명 노출)

Address (200331) No.200 Zhenchen Road, Putuo District, Shanghai
Tel 86-216695697 Fax 86-21 66959697
Site www.shunhocreative.com/
Booth No. D400


Shunho Creative is a brand of Shanghai Shunho International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Shunho New Materials Technology, a listed company since 2011.
Shunho Creative products include whiteboard, laminated paper and the signature plastic-free TransMet paper produced with vacuum transfer metalizing, laser writing and master plate mock-up technology. The annual productivity of TransMet can reach 200,000 metric tons, Shunho hold the No.1 market share in the industry.
Recyclable and sustainable are the core strategic of Shunho, with the goal of becoming a pioneer supplier of sustainable packaging materials worldwide.
