
K-PRINT 2025

2025.8.20(Wed.)~23(Sat.), KINTEX 2

Online Application

  • Agree to Terms and
  • Fill out Application Form
  • Product Categories
  • Confirmation of
    Participation Application
Agree to Terms and Conditions
1. Definition of Terms
  • ① "Exhibition” refers to the K-PRINT 2025.
  • ② “Exhibitor” refers to representatives of firms, government institutions, public organizations, related industries, organizations and various other companies that manufacture, sell, and trade medical and hospital-related products and services.
  • ③ “Secretariat” refers to Korea E & Ex Inc.
  • ④ “Exhibit Item” refers to product matching product category listed in separate paragraph (note product category respective to product code), “Exhibit Item(s)” are limited to products that are currently in production・sales and have been finally confirmed and listed on the K-PRINT 2025 website by exhibitor(s). (However, in the event of a change, exhibitor(s) must consult with the Secretariat and re-register.)
2. Application to Exhibit
  • ① Complete the Exhibit Contract (Submission Form) and submit with down payment (1/2 of the total Exhibit Fee) to the Secretariat. The remaining balance and additional expenses must be paid by June 30th, 2025. If not paid by the deadline, the Secretariat may cancel the contract.
  • ② The exhibitor acquires the right to use booth(s) at the point of submitting the Exhibit Contract and down payment.
3. Assignment of Booth Location
  • ① The Secretariat selects booth location based on participation history, booth size, order of application and overall composition of the exhibition hall.
  • ② The Secretariat may change the location of a pre-assigned booth for the purpose of an efficient composition of the exhibition hall.
  • ③ In the case that the Secretariat assigns booth spaces or alters pre-assigned booths according to paragraph 1 and 2, exhibitors may not raise objections through cancellation of participation, demand of compensation, and the like. However, if a booth arrangement becomes a limiting factor in an exhibitor’s display of a product, said exhibitor may raise an objection due to special circumstances and negotiate with the Secretariat for a change of booth location.
  • ④ Without prior consent of the Secretariat, an exhibitor may not assign to, sublease to, or exchange a pre-assigned booth with a 3rd party.
4. Consent to Use of Publicity Right

It is deemed that exhibitors consent to the use of photographs and videos (containing images of them) taken during the exhibition period for promotional purposes. The use of publicity right is limited to materials promoting exhibitions organized by Korea E & Ex Inc. including printed advertisements, video advertisements, websites, newsletters, and online social network platforms, lasting up to 2 years after the end of an exhibition.

5. Consent to Use of Personal Information
  • ① The Secretariat collects personal information(name, telephone number, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address, company name, department, job title, etc., and other items) that is provided in the exhibit contract.
  • ② The Secretariat may use collected personal information only for the purpose of: promoting the next exhibition, confirming future participation, and delivering notices.
6. Fire Hazard Prevention Rules
  • ① Exhibit items and all materials within the exhibition hall must undergo nonflammable treatment in accordance with Fire Prevention Laws.
  • ② Exhibitors are responsible for any short circuits and fires occurring within assigned spaces during the setup period, exhibition period, and demolition period.
  • ③ The Secretariat may, if necessary, request exhibitors to make alterations for fire prevention purposes to which exhibitors must comply.
7. Weight Restrictions

① The weight of exhibit items is subject to a limit based on the ground structure of the exhibition hall. If the weight of a single exhibit item exceeds 1ton per 1sqm or its total weight exceeds 5tons, the exhibitor must consult with the Secretariat and the KINTEX Technology Department beforehand in order to proceed with the exhibition.

8. Prohibition of Events and Sales
  • ① No events for customers are allowed in the exhibition hall.
  • ② With the exception of books, no products are allowed to be used for sales activities.
  • ③ If it is deemed that a pre-registered exhibitor is engaging in an event or on-site sales activity, the Secretariat may unilaterally terminate the exhibit contract with said exhibitor.
  • ④ If an event is inevitably needed within a booth, the exhibitor must submit a proposal beforehand and obtain the approval of the Secretariat.
  • ⑤ If the rules related to the event mentioned above are violated, the Secretariat shall unilaterally suspend the event for the purpose of maintaining a pleasant exhibition environment. In this case, the responsible exhibitor may be subject to a disadvantage when participating in the next exhibition or being assigned a booth.
9. Termination of Contract
  • ① In the following cases, the Secretariat may terminate the exhibit contract before or even during the exhibition.
    • 1) The exhibitor unilaterally cancels the partial use of a contracted exhibit space or participation of the exhibition altogether.
    • 2) The exhibitor refuses to use all or part of the assigned booth.
    • 3) In the event that the exhibitor, without prior consent of the Secretariat, assigns to, subleases to, or exchanges a part or all of the assigned booth with a 3rd party.
    • 4) Booth charge is not paid in full within the given deadline, the Secretariat deducts the booth charge submitted by the exhibitor as a penalty as shown below; additional payment is required if there is a negative balance and any remaining balance shall be reimbursed.
  • ② No interest is paid on the refund amount, and the non-refunded booth charge shall not be carried over to the account of the next exhibition.
  • ③ If it is deemed that the exhibitor’s exhibit items are non-congruent with the exhibition’s target items, the Secretariat may unilaterally oust the exhibitor, in which the booth charge shall not be reimbursed.
  • ④ If the exhibition is canceled or a change in schedule occurs due to reasons attributable to the Secretariat, the exhibitor may terminate the contract and charge for expenses including the booth charge.
10. Force Majeure
  • ① The Secretariat may, for reasons including force majeure or special circumstances not attributable to the Secretariat (natural disasters, disasters, epidemics, national policy changes, riots, terrorism etc.), downsize the exhibition or alter the exhibition period; in this case, exhibitors may not request compensations to the Secretariat.
  • ② In the case that the exhibition is cancelled due to reasons of a ‘force majeure’ nature, the Secretariat shall carry over each exhibitor’s booth charge in its full amount to the following year’s exhibition balance.
  • ③ If a government/public institution proves the validity of a force majeure, and the force majeure remains valid up until 30 days before the exhibition, the Secretariat shall immediately announce an official cancellation. However, if an exhibitor cancels before announcing an official cancellation, the booth charge shall not be reimbursed in accordance with Article 9-①-1).
11. Responsibility for Compensation
  • ① The Secretariat shall make the utmost effort to manage the safety of the exhibition space.
  • ② The final responsibility for all exhibit items lies with the exhibitors, in which the Secretariat shall not be liable for any compensation due to loss, damage, fire, etc.
  • ③ The perpetrator shall be held responsible for any compensation owe to other companies for accidents including damage, fire, etc, due to an exhibitor's intention or negligence.
  • ④ Exhibitors are responsible for insurance coverage on exhibit items.
12. Restriction on Installations
  • ① No equipment or exhibition items may be left on the aisles that might obstruct an emergency evacuation.
  • ② No exhibition booth(s) or incidental facilities may be installed at an emergency exit or in front of a machinery-housing room, warehouse, fireplug loading dock or restroom.
  • ③ Exhibition booth(s) shall stand 1m from the wall of the existing facilities and partition and shall not be fixed on the existing facilities.
  • ④ No drilling or nailing shall be performed on the floor of the facilities in any case.
  • ⑤ The Exhibitor shall be responsible for following all rules concerning handling of dangerous goods, Fire Prevention Laws and Decrees, the High Pressure Gas Safety Control Laws, and other laws related to handling of dangerous goods.
13. Other Regulations

① The fact that the exhibitor understands and agrees to the "Rules & Regulations of Exhibit Space Application" and Conditions mentioned in the "Service Manual" is an integral and binding part of this contract.

14. Disputes and Arbitration

① Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in Seoul in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board.

Coming soon.